Key Takeaways

Key Takeaways capture the central themes from a live webinar, research report, or event and breathes new life into the content by framing it through a visual, interactive experience. This not only enhances ROI for marketers by extending the shelf life of their content, it expands their reach to a broader audience by making the content more accessible.

Program Details

Program Objective:
  • Asset Generation / Expand Asset Library
  • Audience Engagement
  • Brand Awareness
  • Brand Recognition
  • Content Amplification
  • Thought Leadership

Requirements to create asset:

  • Company logo
  • Company destination URL for click-thru to client site
  • Company social media links
  • Company message (150 words): summary, call to action, etc.
  • Speaker, presenter, or author name, title, photo, with option to include social media links or email
  • Client may include up to 3 related assets (i.e. White Papers, Videos, Blogs, etc.)
  • Ideal formats for a Key Takeaway include webinars, research document, white paper, analyst document, event keynote speech, event roundtable, event workshop; white paper
  • Ideal video length: 30 – 90 minutes
  • Production turnaround: With existing webinar or document – 6 weeks, provided the client’s responses are timely.

Program Deliverables:

  • Digital Asset (custom microsite URL)
    • Download takeaways embedded within microsite
  • 2 -touch email campaign to target audience
  • Social media promotion of call-out via X (Twitter) and LinkedIn with a link to client website
  • Promotional ad placed on the Natural Products Insider website
  • A performance marketing report will be provided at the end of the program
    • Page Views by sections/takeaways
    • Unique Views by sections/takeaways
    • Clicks and Click-through Rate (CTR) on web links
    • Clicks to source asset: Webinar, Research, or Live Event
    • Clicks to client website
    • If applicable: Video Plays, Total/Average Video Play Duration
  • Program duration: 60 days

Price: $7,000